Meshuggah, Converge, The Baseballs, Marike Jager, Guus Meeuwis, Mooi Wark, DevilDriver, Normaal, Di-rect, Papa Roach, Jovink, Triggerfinger, K’s Choice, Volbeat, Kamelot, Airbourne, Revamp, Waylon, Tim Knol, Automatic Sam, Kontrust, Ayatollah`s, Kudra Mata, BZB – Band Zonder Banaan, Big Shampoo, Loco Loco Disco Show, Black Bottle Riot, Loudness, Blizzard, Die Lustige Schlagerfreunden, Campbell Brothers, Mad Manoush, Caro Emerald, Mala Vita, Coparck, De Motorband, Moss, The Devil’s Blood, My Dying Bride, DeWolff, Edelweiss Kapel, Paradise Lost, Fragment, Shaking Godspeed, Friska Viljor, The Backcorner Boogie Band, God Dethroned, The Black Spider, Jeroen Sweers, The Heinoos, Jon Oliva’s Pain, Tonka, Want Want, King Kahn and the Shrines, WC Experience, Bierefluiters, Black Bottle Riot, The Campbell Brothers, Forbidden, The Deaf, Twice, Tommy Ebben and the Small Town Villains, Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra, The Mahones, Sonic Syndicate.
18 juli, 2010